In Memory of Martin Khor

Reflections from an inspired mentee

Anjali Appadurai
The World At 1°C


The world lost Martin Khor this week. He was a role model to me and many others, and a beacon of light for the global justice movement.

When I first met Martin Khor, I was a student, and in my eyes he was a formidable yet thrilling figure. He seemed to hold the key to another world, with his far-ranging knowledge of global politics and his laser-sharp political analysis. If the moral arc of the universe is long, Martin seemed to know its full history, and worked tirelessly to bend it towards justice.

Martin, his wife Meena Raman, and me at the Global Climate March, 2015. Holding banners for Demand Climate Justice.

As young people, we heard tale after tale of justice battles and important victories that Martin had a hand in shaping. He was a key player in the original anti-globalization movement, seeing through the smoke and mirrors of neoliberal capitalism and working relentlessly for justice for the developing world. He was also a lifelong champion for Global South solidarity and climate justice.

Martin’s legacy is unbelievably rich, and I don’t even know most of the story. I do know that he was kind, generous, fair, and dryly hilarious. That he would apply the same principles of justice at the global systemic level as he would to each meeting or gathering. Though he was the most senior in the room, he would intentionally make space for us young people to have a say. He shared his analysis with us freely, explaining complex concepts in the simple way that only a master could. For these and many other reasons, I had the highest respect for Martin.

Though I didn’t have a chance to spend much time with him, I always felt that Martin was a guiding star that I could make my way towards, even when I felt that my work was confusing or hopeless. He was a wisdom-keeper, a role model, a wise elder who understood where we came from and where we are headed. He is now all the more that guiding star for myself and countless others. May you rest in peace and power, Martin. We will continue your work, and we hold you in the highest light.

